Labor market affiliation
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KKARB1: Population by district, labour market affiliation (end November), sex and ancestry (2008-2022)
KKARB2: Population by district, labour market affiliation (end November) and age (2008-2022)
KKARB3: Labour market indicators by district and unit (2008-2022)
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KKBESK1: Employed (end November) by district, labor market affiliation, sex and age (2008-2022)
KKBESK2: Employed (end November) by district, labor market affiliation, sex and ancestry (2008-2022)
KKBESK3: Employed (end November) by district, sex, ancestry and sector (2008-2022)
KKBESK4: Employed (end November) by district, sex and industry (2008-2022)
KKBESK5: Employed (end November) by district, industry and highest education completed (2008-2022)
KKBESK6: Employed (end November) by district, sex, sector and highest education completed (2008-2022)
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KKLEDIG1: Unemployed (end November) by district, sex and ancestry (2008-2022)
KKLEDIG2: Unemployed (end November) by district and age (2008-2022)
KKLEDIG3: Unemployed (end November) by district, sex and highest education completed (2008-2022)
KKLEDIG4: Unemployed (yearly) by district, degree of unemployment, sex and ancestry (2008-2022)
KKLEDIG5: Unemployed (yearly) by district, degree of unemployment and age (2008-2022)
KKLEDIG6: Unemployed (yearly) by district, degree of unemployment and highest education completed (2008-2022)
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KKPEND1: Employed with residence in Copenhagen (end November) by district, sex and workplace regionpart (2008-2022)
KKPEND2: Employed with residence in Copenhagen (end November) by district, sex and commuting distance (2008-2022)
KKPEND3: Employed working in Copenhagen (end November) by district, sex and residence province (2008-2022)
KKPEND4: Employed working in Copenhagen (end November) by district, sex and commuting distance (2008-2022)
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KKARBPL1: Jobs (end November) by district and sector (2008-2022)
KKARBPL2: Jobs (end November) by district and industry (2008-2022)