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KKBEF1: Population by district, sex, age and marital status (1974Q1-2025Q1)
KKBEF2: Population by district, sex, age and ancestry (1986-2024)
KKBEF3: Population by roder, sex, age and citizenship (1980Q1-2025Q1)
KKBEF8: Population by district, sex, age and citizenship (1980Q1-2025Q1)
KKBEF9: Population by district, sex, age and place of birth (1977-2025)
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KKFR2024: Population projection 2024 by district, sex and age (2024-2060)
KKFRBEV: Components og changes according to population projection by sex and age (2024-2059)
KKFRBEDI: Components og changes according to population projection by district, type of movement and age (2024-2059)
Previous projections
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KKFR2023: Population projection 2023 by district, sex and age (2023-2060)
KKFR2022: Population projection 2022 by district, sex and age (2022-2050)
KKFR2021: Population projection 2021 by district, sex and age (2021-2050)
KKFR2020: Population projection 2020 by district, sex and age (2020-2050)
KKFR2019: Population projection 2019 by district, sex and age (2019-2050)
Births and fertility
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KKBEF5: Average age of women given birth and new fathers by district and age (2008-2024)
KKBEF7: Age-specific fertility rates (five-year age groups) and total fertility rate by district and age (2006-2024)
Deaths and life expectancy
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KKBEF4: Life expectancy for new born babies by district and sex (2014:2018-2020:2024)
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KKBEF4X: Life expectancy for new born babies by district and sex (2005:2009-2018:2022)
Families and households
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KKFAM1: Families by district, family type and number of children (1998Q1-2025Q1)
KKHUS1: Households by district, type of household, number of children in the household and household size (1998Q1-2025Q1)
Movements and migration
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KKBEF6: Summary vital statistics by district and type of movement (1975-2024)