Welcome to the City of Copenhagen Statbank |
Data about your local area Here you can find detailed information about Copenhagen and Copenhageners on a number of different topics divided by local areas in the city. At a minimum, all information can be found on districts and local committee districts, and to a large extent also on smaller areas within the individual districts (neighbourhoods, voting areas and roder). For the vast majority of the tables, comparable data for the entire country and for the other municipalities in Denmark can be found at www.statbank.dk (Statistics Denmark's database). This makes it possible to compare your local area with other Danish municipalities.
| Relevant links ... Data for Denmark and other municipalities: StatBank Map data of the city: CPHmap Election data: KMD election Housing market statistics: Finance Denmark |
Latest releases |
KKBEF1: Population by district, sex, age and marital status
KKBEF3: Population by roder, sex, age and citizenship
KKBEF8: Population by district, sex, age and citizenship
KKFAM1: Families by district, family type and number of children
KKHUS1: Households by district, type of household, number of children in the household and household size
KKARB1: Population by district, labour market affiliation (end November), sex and ancestry
KKARB2: Population by district, labour market affiliation (end November) and age
KKARB3: Labour market indicators by district and unit
KKARBPL1: Jobs (end November) by district and sector
KKARBPL2: Jobs (end November) by district and industry
KKBESK1: Employed (end November) by district, labor market affiliation, sex and age
KKBESK2: Employed (end November) by district, labor market affiliation, sex and ancestry
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